Two years ago, after my mother passed, "O" Magazine had a contest for readers. It suggested that readers submit a statement, essay, etc. that explained what they would like to 'Grow More' in their lives. While my submission didn't get published, I wanted to share it with others because I thought it was / is encouraging.
I hope if offers you some peace in knowing that we are never alone when it comes to the trials and tribulations we encounter each and every day. Let's remember to always be courageous and embrace the growth that feeds our transition.
"What I’d like to grow in my life?" By Sheila T Warfield
To my surprise, I’d like to grow more courage.
I've become tender, safe and afraid. It’s embarrassing to acknowledge this, but it’s true. I don’t want to be afraid anymore. So, I want, I need desperately to GROW more courage.
More courage to follow my heart.
More courage to find meaning in my life after losing my mother recently.
More courage to take the time to renew and pursue my own passions in spite of being a working mother and wife.
More courage to say ‘No’, ME first!
More courage to pursue a purpose outside of corporate America.
More courage to make the sacrifices and have the discipline to become healthier.
More courage to know Peace everyday.