Life Suspended by Sheila Thornton Warfield
How often do we suspend Life? Not truly living our dreams or living on purpose. How often do we put things on hold until we have more time, more money, more support, more love, more, more, more? Just waiting in a holding pattern until circumstances are just right before we move forward. In truth, it's about having the courage to simply ACT! Act in a way that's congruent with our true selves. It can be so frightening. And, the fear of making a mistake, losing the support of those around us, or not getting the approval from those we love and respect can be paralyzing. In fact, when our strings have been pulled by others for so long, it's hard to know when we are acting on our own accord or if we are simply responding based on the muscle memory we've developed from years of others' vision. Someone else's definition of who we Should be and How we Should be.
I believe in the clarity that comes from being fully awake, and I believe that being awake helps us to be more mindful of our feelings and our circumstances. It helps us to look at a situation with with our eyes open. We only need to add courage to truly activate our lives. Sure, we all say 'yes' when we'd rather say 'no'. This is okay because we're human. The danger is when we say 'yes' and we don't say 'no' or vice versa so often that these patterns begin to rewire and reshape who we are. Years of this can harden who we are and our true selves remain hidden. WHO WE ARE stays locked behind this misplaced molding and eventually it begins to diminish 'who we are' and our ability to realize our full potential.
Let's find the space and time to live our lives fully awake and in the moment. Give the 'could haves' , 'should haves', and 'would haves' a break. What's more, consider giving the ever popular TV binge watching a break. Truth is, if not done in moderation, binge watching can be an incredible waste of time. Not to mention the influence it could have on one's psyche and how we view the world. Engage with Life and Live out loud. You will never pass this way again.