"Choose Wisely" by Sheila Thornton Warfield
This wonderful world of ours has so much that's good and beautiful yet the constant pounding of negativity that permeates our society today constantly challenges our ability to be positive or at peace. The persistent pounding, combined with the deterioration of so many attitudes in our culture, has created feelings of despair for so many. Thus, many of us have begun to match negative energy to negative energy! It's exhausting. And, all of this is exasperated by feelings of 'no control'.
How do we stay ourselves when there's so much distracting us from being the positive, kind, and loving human beings we are meant to be. Many of us know what to do--we pray, we fast, we mediate, we exercise, we love, we spend time with those we love, we...so on and so forth. If we weren't consciously allowing these beautiful drops of positivity to fall into our cups, we would be truly lost, and I, for one, would be a basket case. Yet, no matter how often I consciously allow the good of my life to flow into my cup, my cup is continuously challenged. I dance around believing my cup is full and the next thing I know, it's nearly empty. Then I wonder how it got that way!
I was recently having a conversation with my step son about the overall peace and love that comes from having a full cup. Up until our conversation, I had always imagined my cup full but isolated. (Until this moment, I never realized that I had subconsciously separated my cup / myself in this way.) During our conversation, I had an epiphany that brought tears to my eyes for I finally got it: When we are connected to God or the Source and our cups are continuously submerged in His love, peace and grace, we are held in such a way where our cups over flow with love, abundance and everlasting joy. All the time. When we are submerged in this place of God / the Source, we are complete and divine. I had inadvertently structured my mindset with lack and the perennial search of finding things outside of me to fill My Cup. I was incredibly grateful for this Satori moment.
My friends, endeavor to be submerged in the abundance of God and you will begin to see life and all of its beings differently. Most importantly, you will BE filled up beyond what you've ever imagined or would be able to have if you did so in isolation, like I once did.
So, live your life and CHOOSE WISELY! I believe the eternal sweetness that comes from knowing that we are always connected to God / the Source is worth the effort. We simply need to take the time to be silent, pay attention, surrender to love, and embrace God's ever presence in our lives. Let's let our Cups runneth over.