The Cracks that Define Us
By Sheila Thornton Warfield
Cracks create experiences that shape and mold our unique journeys. When we’re open to the lessons they bring, we raise our consciousness in ways that will begin to reshape our operating mindset, and as we look back, we see that the twists, turns, detours, delays, smooth and quiet stretches along the way were necessary for our special journeys and stories.
Cracks in relationships, finances, careers, health and spirituality oftentimes challenge our faith, confidence and sense of well-being. They cause us to pause, sometimes permanently, until we can elevate ourselves by healing and addressing the scar that reminds us that self-care and love are critical to our path forward. We must work tenaciously to rise high enough to see the big picture, reframing and adapting to the cracks, and embrace the change and be grateful for the strength, resolve and resilience that allowed us to push through.
Seeing ourselves differently and more honestly will allow us to live a truer life. Our imperfection brings light to our beautiful form that ‘s unique to each of us and shapes who we are.
The growth moments from cracks make use wiser as we age, and the scars formed by them allows us to see the beauty and purpose – our journeys have not been smooth and straight, but ones filled with rolling hills, valleys, uncharted paths, curves, potholes, and amazing vistas with depth and significance. The cracks remind us of our inner strength, endurance, and determination, and we are more beautiful because of them. Let’s wear them with pride and share the stories behind them with enthusiasm, wonder, and love. Our lives have been shaped by them. Truth is often found in the ‘cracks’ in our lives. Whether by design or by default, cracks will happen regardless of our ability to take risks, live out loud, crawl into our caves or put our hands in the sand – the cracks will happen anyway- sometimes so wide that they become craters and other times ever so slight to signal it’s time to pivot or experience real pain.
Spiritual leaders say that who we are and the lives we live have been shaped our choices along the way. While I don’t question this, I often have wondered should I have pushed more? Should I have traveled one mile farther to see what was around the bend in the road? When I decided to intentionally delay forward movement, did it cause me to miss out somehow? Did I miss out on being at the right place at the right time? Did the companions I allowed to accompany me on my journey enhance or prevent me from living my best life? Is this all there is? Did allowing others to hitch their wagon onto mine create an unnecessary burden and hinder my ability to live my truest life?
The cracks that let light in warms us and gives us hope that the pain we feel in this moment will subside. They compel us to imagine a future, a life, a love, a different moment that breathes new life in our lives and one where we can take all the lessons we’ve learned thus far and use them to make the road ahead so much more meaningful. A life where there’s no pretending, no living in fear, no living someone else’s story but LIVING for oneself - fully, openly, and truly. Where those we choose to be around can be content in themselves and their own lives. And, together, we all bring who we truly are to each other, and the acceptance and love that follow creates a connection so much more beautiful.
Having the courage to pause and take the time to confront the cracks will create gateways to new beginnings and allow us to shed unnecessary skin. We become more open to both releasing and absorbing, and the magic, grace, and warmth that settle in, confirm what we already know – we are okay, and everything will be alright. That’s the moment that we must embrace and strive to create. However, we must also pay close attention, because as we spend our lives ‘filling the cracks’ and/or ‘stepping over’ the cracks, we don’t want to miss the chance to renew, rethink, and reimagine our lives in ways that didn’t seem possible before. Cracks, and the light that emits from them, provide us the chance to change directions, shed light on our lives and the cast of characters that should (and shouldn’t be) part our stories, provide clarity so we can find solutions more easily, and give us permission to ask ourselves ‘what do I want to do now? What do I want to do next?
Lastly, cracks give way to fresh air that help heal the pain from our experiences. Our healing and remaining scars reinforces how much we’ve grown, our resilience, our strength, and power of God’s love.
Cracks help define us and our journeys, and we are better because of them.