by Sheila Thornton Warfield
As I listen to one of my favorite songs by Fleerwood Mac, Everywhere, I am inspired to accompany it with my new mantra— Every Day!
Every Day
Every day, I will focus on the now and creating a reality that aligns with my values, my spirit, and allows me to be the best version of myself.
Every day, I will look forward and not backwards. I will forgive myself for mistakes I’ve made and those who meant to do me harm. I will move forth with grace and a sense of hope and embrace new beginnings.
Every day, I will choose to offer only good to this world and those around me.
Every day, I will endeavor to be like water that finds it way to the infinite ocean, and in spite of its long, arduous and uncertain journey, it flows with hope, a knowing that it will move past barriers, and ultimately reconnect with its source. This will be a reminder to me that my life has meaning and purpose and I am entitled to grow as a beautiful human being.
Every day, I will know that God is in me, with me, through me, around me, behind me, in front of me, below me and above me. I am only here because of Him and the opportunity for me to make the world I live in a better place.
Every day, I will seek the beauty and good in all things and know that peace resides in me and all that I have to do is simply SEE.
Every day, I will practice TM and leverage its ability to make life richer, sweeter, and more energizing and as it helps me keep things in perspective.
Every day, I will engage in some kind of physical activity that helps make me stronger and perfectly healthy.
Every day, I will learn something new about the things I love: gardening, writing, reading, marketing, branding, enlightenment, traveling, mentoring others, spirituality, and creating a life journey with ease.
Every day, I will withhold judgement and expectations.
Every day, I will respect everyone’s choice to BE WHO THEY ARE and demand respect for who I CHOOSE TO BE.
Every day, I will transcend the distractions that add no value to me, my life or this world.
Every day, I will be grateful for all that’s good in my life.
Every day, I will LOVE me and ACCEPT me and know that I am WORTHY and my life is filled with abundance, love, peace, perfect health, energy and belonging.
How will you define your Every Day moments?