By Sheila Thornton Warfield
The hope that resides in and guides the dandelion seed should inspire us all to embrace change with openness, excitement and wonder. Lose ourselves in the wind that lifts us and carries us to a new place, even if temporarily, and then ready ourselves to do it all over again.
For change is the one constant, and when we accept our unconscious and conscious ability for regeneration, what results beautifully mirrors what we see in nature, and we can step into living a more honest and authentic life. We become freer. It’s okay to change. It’s okay to get older and move along the various stages of life. It’s okay to make mistakes. It’s okay to change directions. It’s okay, because as humans, we are fallible, and coming to terms with our imperfection and seeing the beauty within them and the unique gifts we each bring to the world, that’s where we will find love and self acceptance.
Seeing the beauty in and being appreciative of ourselves, regardless of what life stage we currently occupy, fills us and creates light that we can bask in now. And that’s worth letting go for. Come on now — just let go and let the wind take you were it may and see how life can be so much fuller and so much more than you ever imagined.