“Like A Star”
By Sheila Thornton Warfield
I’m not a scientist by any means. However, I continue to learn from those around me. Recently, my husband, a high school science teacher, described the effects of a collapsing star and the ultimate creation of a black hole. The vast and infinite nature of a black hole simply stretches beyond my comprehension.
The image of a collapsing star formed such a powerful image in my mind. I believe we can use it as an analogy for what could happen to our own lives if we withdraw from who we are and the life we’ve been given. For me, withdrawal from my authentic self could look like many things but the most frightening image is that of my life collapsing into a black hole.
When we retreat from making decisions that will set us free, we risk collapse. When we oppress our voice and not speak our truth, we risk collapse. When we choose to compromise ourselves because we’re trying to please others, we risk collapse. When we look away when everything within our being says “LOOK”, we risk collapse. When we avoid doing those ‘required’ mundane and uncomfortable tasks that help us bypass drama, we risk collapse. When we ignore what's best for our body, we risk collapse. When we simply put our heads in the sand and not face each and every day with courage and optimism, we risk collapse.
It’s so easy to withdraw. For me, it’s often been a conscious choice because I saw it as being necessary for renewal. But what I’ve learned is that ‘long term withdrawal’ is dangerous and can be a facade for an unhealthy existence. And, if you’re not careful, you’ll concave so much that you will begin the inevitable collapse and drift into that vast emptiness known as the black hole. And once this happens, I believe it’s so difficult to find our way back to ourselves. To continue my analogy, scientists say that anything that passes within the boundary of a black hole is trapped forever. How frightening is that?! So, we have to be diligent and take responsibility for our own star’s health and brilliance. Imagine your own life as a brilliant star, and everyday that you love and live in truth, your star shines brighter! Isn't this an amazing concept filled with wonder, imagination, and infinite possibilities?
We must remain mindful of who we are and what we stand for. We must commit to living on purpose and with courage. We must find ways to take positive steps toward living the life we are meant to live, to make the daily decisions that enhance our lives, to express our voices so that we are heard, and to do what’s right because it’s right.
Let’s be who we are meant to be and embrace the brilliance within.