"The Power of Resetting"
Recently, I was having trouble getting my various devices synced with WIFI at home. I tried everything to no avail. My husband, our family's Apple guru, was unavailable to answer my questions or help solve the problem. After getting very frustrated, I concluded it was his fault. This blame lasted about 5 minutes and then I realized I was being quite unreasonable.
As I continued to struggle with our home technology, I thought about an online chat with Apple; however, by this point, I knew I wouldn’t be a friendly customer. So, I decided to table the issue for now. Luckily, there were plenty of non-tech things to do, so I shifted my focus to other activities. It was a welcome diversion.
The next day as I calmly asked for help from my husband, he shared a simple solution---'just reset'. I expressed my fears about losing data and how this fear kept me from taking such action. As he explained the benefits of re-setting and when to ‘reset’, it dawned on me that I'd been enduring frustration and elevated blood pressure unnecessarily, all because I refused to take any risks (risks in my mind) to solve the problem. It was a simple solution that only took courage. Incidentally, I did offer a heartfelt confession to my husband by admitting that I initially blamed him for my technology issues. He was thrilled and relieved to know that I had reached the conclusion that he was NOT to blame on my own, without any drama or attitude.
As the evening waned down, I started to imagine the release and peace from re-setting my life. What if each of us could simply 'reset' our lives when…
We’re tired and weary, reset.
We’re exhausted because we've turned all possible stones, reset.
We’re running on empty because we've been burning the candles on both ends for way too long, reset.
We’re exasperated because our expectations are too high, reset.
We’re constantly disappointed because we don’t accept others for who they are, reset!
A 'reset' button would be a wonderful ‘secret weapon’ for starting over and getting back to center. Visualize the peace and tranquility that would result from creating such a clean slate out of love, respect, and truth. I believe we each have the ability to activate our individual ‘reset’ buttons anytime if we listen intently to our hearts and have the courage to simply begin. A shift in attitude, surrounding oneself with positive people, only allowing the good stuff in, finding time to pray or meditate, being good to your body--all of these things could help anyone of us to ‘reset’. Wouldn’t that feel good, marvelous! For me, it reinforces the notion that each of us has the ability to change our lives for the better at any moment, and when we do, God’s love will become even more ever-present. We just have to remember the power we possess and listen to the infallible truth our heart speaks. Ready, set, “RESET”!