Do you ever experience what I call “God moments”? Those magical, blissful moments and/or encounters where everything seems to just fall into place. And, life in that moment is perfection – no matter your circumstances. The seemingly colossal mistake you made ends up being exactly what you needed, or it puts you exactly where you needed to be. Perhaps you’ve experienced those moments of pure bliss where words fall short, and you can't verbalize the amazing feeling you had. Words and phrases simply cannot envelop the depth of the moment.
It’s funny, when you think you’ve reached the pinnacle of an experience, you realize there’s always more. Our capacity for growth and love is exponential and is hard to quantify. In truth, while I know it’s a silly statement, God never ceases to amaze me. No matter how many times I use my intellect as the lens, what results is always so much more -- richer, deeper, more spiritual -- than I would have ever been able to imagine.
Everyday I'm on the planet I’m grateful for the opportunity to still be here and relish the chance to learn and give good to the world. Yes, there’s so much I don’t know, and my enthusiasm for learning keeps me up at night. In truth, regardless of the number of degrees or the years of experience one has, there’s so much more to know. Leaving ourselves open to learn, witnessing different perspectives, and seeing things through the eyes of the innocent will often reacquaint us with the wonder that resides within.
Taking time to be quiet; being brave enough and patient are the keys to releasing our God moments. No judgement; no comparisons; no deadlines; just letting what’s inherently good in us to merely shine through. That’s my quest, anyway. And, it will be a journey of a lifetime. But, oh what a full life it will be.
God moments compel us to fully embrace the present and give us hope that life can and should be lived in light and with purpose. There’s a peace in not having all of the answers and being okay with this. When we have the yearning to learn, then we should learn and grow. Our gift is knowing that we are open to fully exploring what could be in addition to what is. There's such delight, joy, and magic in being open to all that's good and positive.
Let’s consistently strive to uncover the God moments that are available each and every day and use them to lift, infuse and color our lives with wonder, hope and love.