Leaning into Growth
By Sheila Thornton Warfield
Growth stems from so many different experiences – good, bad, and not so good. And, as we grow – by choice, by force, or by coercion, one thing I believe is true is that we must intentionally lean into growth for it to unfold its bounty and beauty and allow us to uncover our full potential.
We often don’t take the time to be amazed at our own lives – not recounting how much we’ve accomplished – staying healthy, being self-sufficient, maintaining careers, raising children, managing healthy relationships, getting that degree, landing that promotion or new job, etc. And many of us are doing all these things at once! Growth is evergreen, and when we embrace it (ready or not), it pulls us forward, reaffirms who we are, and reminds us of what we’re capable of. Through this new awareness life becomes fuller.
Of course, it’s not always easy, comfortable or positive, however, most times we grossly underestimate our own ability to adapt, move forward, forget, forgive and let what’s in the rear-view mirror, be just that – be in the rear. Focusing our attention on the present moment and being committed to living forward is where hope and new beginnings await.
I know there are no silver bullets or magic carpet rides when it comes to maximizing growth and managing liminality. What I do know is the well-kept secret (well, maybe not so secret) is to literally to take things ‘ONE DAY AT A TIME’. This mindset, along with making the best decisions we can in each moment, is the way forward. The daily practice required to take things ‘one day at a time’ is so crucial and will help us better manage what’s on our plates even if overflowing. This means that we don’t overthink what’s happening next week, three months from now, six months from now or years from now.
Leaning into growth and approaching transition with optimism, self-love, patience, grace and a belief that “I got this!”, can create amazing results and remind us of the possibilities. We reemerge stronger, more focused and more determined than ever.
Our lives are meant to be fully lived, and while growth triggers are not always by our own hands, being positive in our ability to extract every ounce of value from an experience is how we begin to reframe the encounter and use it to better our own lives. Let’s not worry about the length of the transition and/or detour. Let’s concentrate on what we need to pack for the journey - ample fuel, a healthy vessel, sustenance, and the right attitude to enjoy the country roads along the way until we can get back to our respective main roads.
Packed and ready to go? Let’s lean into the curves, appreciate the unexpected views, sing along and out loud to our favorite songs, and just enjoy the ride! Let’s grow!
How are you leaning into growth?
#leanintogrowth #leaningintogrowth #operationbutterfly