The mind is everything. What you think you become.
Cultivate A Healthy Mind
By Sheila Thornton Warfield
I don’t know about you but cultivating a healthy mind is hard work. It takes real commitment to maintain a positive disposition and guard one’s healthy mind and mindset. I recently came across A Healthy Mind by Alain de Botton who created The School of Life and wanted to share the tips he outlined. See below.
A Healthy Mind…Lessons from the School of Life Extract
A healthy mind is an editing mind…
A healthy mind resists the pull of unfair comparisons…
A healthy mind keeps a judicious grip on the faucet of fear…
A healthy mind avoids catastrophic imaginings…
A healthy mind has compartments with heavy doors that shut securely…
A healthy mind has mastered the techniques of censorship…
A healthy mind can quieten its own buzzing preoccupations in order, at times, to focus on the world beyond itself…
A healthy mind combines an appropriate suspicion of certain people with a fundamental trust in humanity…
A healthy mind knows how to hope; It identifies and then hangs on tenaciously to a few reasons to keep going…it clings to evidence of what is still beautiful and kind. It remembers to appreciate…
Read the full extract.
What do you do to cultivate a healthy mind?
#healthymind #theschooloflife #operationbutterfly