“I Heard You!
My mother taught me so many lessons. I'm so glad I grew to really appreciate them and to come to know them as blessings. Most importantly, I’m so grateful that I learned how to deeply appreciate Mom for who she was and not for who I wanted her to be long before her passing in 2013. She was a beautiful woman with desires, some regrets and endless amounts of love. How does a child, at any age, ever effectively articulate the countless lessons a parent bestows upon them? These lessons sooth you like a cool breeze on a hot summer’s day and cools your entire existence in instant relief and comfort. To exhale is to simply accept. It’s a constant that fills and follows us no matter where we go. Sure, it’s not visible, but it’s there and it connects us in love and reminds us of where we came from and that we ‘got back’!
This month was the two-year anniversary of our Mom’s passing. So, February has become a difficult month to bear. I’m so thankful it’s a short month :-) I miss my Mom so much. I miss hearing her voice. I miss her sense of humor and her no nonsense point of view. I miss her constant and timely spiritual advice and the perfect scriptures she would suggest that I read to feel better about anything! I know she was and will always be an angel watching over me and guiding me albeit not in the physical world. As I reflected this month on the many lessons Mom taught me, I feel that I must acclaim, “Mom, I heard You!” “I heard You!” “I heard You!”
I heard you when you taught me about always offering forgiveness no matter what. I heard you when you taught me to take my spirituality seriously and to let God know He's glorious, to always give thanks, and to pay my tithes. I heard you when you stressed to me to always have the courage to speak the truth regardless of my or others’ discomfort. I heard you when you said to always care about my appearance and to carry myself with class no matter the circumstance. I heard you when your infectious laugh filled the entire house and we were reminded to remember to let go and have fun. I heard you when you constantly offered unconditional love to those around you. I heard you. I know all of your lessons helped shape me for who I am today, however, I must admit that your lessons around unconditional love truly defined me! They brought me peace, and validated my very existence. It was this love that filled me up and reaffirmed to me that I am a child of God and capable of doing anything. I heard You!
As I approach each and everyday, I am thankful for all the lessons Mom taught me and I feel extremely blessed that God saw fit to touch my life with a woman as wonderful as Mom.
Mom, I heard You! I heard You! I heard You!